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Learning Can Be Fun

We have found a way to teach certain historical subjects by creating engaging, exciting, & educational programs.


There are several factors that can stimulate a child’s ability to absorb a subject.


TIME:  We have created a 2 hour intense activity that maximizes the attention span of most children and fully covers the subject matter.      


VISUAL IMPACT:  As an Architect I work in the visual vocabulary.  The visual impact of these programs on a youngster is BOLD and therefore memorable.  They will talk about it and they will remember it.


SCALE:  Each program is designed to be a huge 400 square foot model.  The size of the model is important because many times there are more than 100 children and parents working on it at any one time.  The scale is part of the visual impact of being part of such a huge project that you could not accomplish on your own in such a short time.


TEAM WORK:  You can talk about teamwork but we have you actually experience it.  When the model is finished we always have someone talk to the children about what they just accomplished as a “team because the “group effort” is one of the most tangible memories of the program.


EXCITEMENT:  Let’s face it, History may not be the most exciting subject for a child.  But, if we can make it exciting and fun you have their total attention.  Now combine that with parent participation and you have a formula for an exciting family learning experience.


CONTINUING EDUCATION:  We stress at the end of the program for the children to continue to learn about the subject of the model that we have built together.  This can be part of pre or post classroom activities on the program subject matter.  We can suggest activities to enhance the program experience.

Fun & Educational

316 Eisenhower Parkway
Livingston, NJ  07039

LEGO®  is a trademark of the LEGO® Group of Companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse these programs.

© 2024 Building Blocks Workshops - Founder Stephen Schwartz

Website by: Classy Websites NJ/NYC

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